Thursday, December 10, 2009

Schaffer household

Well I have continued to be sick since Thanksgiving. I am hoping after the trip to the doctor yesterday that an improvement will come.
So thankful to read that Becca, Clint and family made their travels to CA safely and are on another chapter of their lives. Now family will be traveling to CA to visit them and what a nice place to visit compared to th 5* we have here in IL.
A few weeks ago a place had apples bogo free. I couldn't ignore that offer though you don't always know what the future holds. So I got the apples and got sick. I am thankful I only got a total of two bushels. I decided that these would be canned as chunks to eat instead of applesauce. Ron enjoys something cold with his meal so I can switch off between the two. I have a half of bushel left. I have 38 qts of chuck apples and will get about another 8 qts from the last bag. You know things just take longer when you don't feel well. I will be thankful to get that last batch completed.

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