Friday, June 25, 2010

RSD What is that?

Well I learned some new medical lingo this week. My hand hasn't been progressing very well and my therapist call the dr. I received a call back from the surgeon's office today and he informed me that I was going to have to see another specialist as I have RSD. This isn't something the surgeon caused but something your body does because of the surgery. (Should state that not everyone's body does it just a few) You say what? Like in my language please. It is also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.
It is a malfunction of part of the nervous system and the nerves misfire and send pain signals to the brain (wow I do know that part very well). All this because of a surgery? They said it can happen after a surgery, a fall or accident.
Well after reading up on it I don't know if I really want to have this, like I have a choice in the matter. Therapy continues and hopefully I get into see the specialist soon and see what the next step is.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Ron Update

Ron went back to the doctor on June 18th. The doctor did x-ray's and cast was removed. Hurrah! Ron now has a removable brace which makes it much easier for him which he enjoys, now he can take it off to shower and to scratch his arm. Or should I say rub it. It is a little to tender to scratch.
The doctor also is going to start him with therapy. His first day will be June 23rd. I set Ron up at Turning Point in Fairbury where I am going. I am hoping that his therapy will go okay. He still has major swelling just above his wrist to his fingers and doesn't have much side to side movement of his wrist.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Pictures of the Break in the Arm

Here is what Ron's arm looked like before they did surgery, then just after they took off the wrapping and they put the cast on which was about 10 days. He had so much swelling that they had to hold off. The cast will be on only two weeks according to the dr. He is to have an xray to check things out and then cast removal. If all goes well the cast comes off and then his therapy begins. OUCH!