Friday, January 1, 2010

Schaffer Family Christmas w/Mom & Dad

The Peter & Emma Schaffer Christmas was held this year at Karl & Bethany's community room.
We we thankful for all those that made it. We were near 94 in number with most of the familes in attendence.
Lynn & Ron's family were in charge this year so we had it a little different. We were having our get together at 9:30 in the morning so we did a breakfast. Lynn older children help cook up the pancakes. Becky & I had the sausage in the roasters cooked and heating ready for everyone to eat.
The family gathered for the family Christmas caroling before the gifts. The younger ones get to open gifts from Grandpa and Grandma while the one 13 and older get their gifts in other forms. Also for those over 13 can participate in a grab bag. That can really get interesting.
This year I didn't make it through the whole family gathering but some wonderful in-laws helped my honey clean up while I went home by way of one of our sons and his wife. Thank you so much!
We missed Beck and her family from FL, and two of our kids, Patrick and his family & Alesha and hers. We are so thankful that we still are blessed to have Mom & Dad with us. The family each year continues to grow either by marriage or birth. May God continue to keep blessing each family as they add each addition.

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