Friday, June 25, 2010

RSD What is that?

Well I learned some new medical lingo this week. My hand hasn't been progressing very well and my therapist call the dr. I received a call back from the surgeon's office today and he informed me that I was going to have to see another specialist as I have RSD. This isn't something the surgeon caused but something your body does because of the surgery. (Should state that not everyone's body does it just a few) You say what? Like in my language please. It is also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.
It is a malfunction of part of the nervous system and the nerves misfire and send pain signals to the brain (wow I do know that part very well). All this because of a surgery? They said it can happen after a surgery, a fall or accident.
Well after reading up on it I don't know if I really want to have this, like I have a choice in the matter. Therapy continues and hopefully I get into see the specialist soon and see what the next step is.

1 comment:

  1. Saw the specialist on the 14th and he is going to do a Stellate ganglion block on the 26th to try to get some relief of the RSD and hopefully the it started into remission. Also the RSDSA posted yesterday that there is a possibly inherited link now on genetic mutation in the mothers dna. Sorry children. Hopefully that isn't the case. I did let my kids know.
